Apollo Manufacturing Services

A Total Solution Provider


Apollo Manufacturing Services is made up of talented and experienced managers who constantly motivate and inspire committed employees. We are "A Total Solution Provider", with a reputation for superior people, quality, and cost effective automated technology.

Jenny Truong, President

Apollo’s success deeply reflects its humble beginnings, starting from a dimly lit garage on the outskirts of Sorrento Valley. On a warm April of 2008, Jenny made up her mind and decided to leave everything behind to chase her passion.

‍Education serves as essential building blocks to one’s dream, but the ability to grab opportunities shapes the outcome. Jenny saw potential in the contract manufacturing business, so she assembled a couple of skillful friends and founded Apollo in her garage. After winning the first contract, the team moved to a small office of 1,900 feet square. Unbeknownst to many, the company grew to 10,000 square feet and expanded beyond borders with 63,000 square feet in Vietnam. ​

Jenny finds joy in helping people such as brightening someone’s day with her priceless humor to changing lives by giving people education and career opportunities. She constantly reminds everyone, “My door is always open.” She listens and helps with the most devoted attention and open-mindedness.

​Helping others is the foundation of Apollo’s morals. Besides revolutionizing the technology business, Apollo aims to build a socially responsible environment in which everyone is endowed with equal opportunities and treatment.



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